Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 6: Motivationally challenged but cool

Monday we had our traditional morning WIP meeting and following I talked with Tony Gardener to arrange a catchup time before the internship ended, despite his busy schedule we agreed to catchup this week.

Lunchtime I handed over the social networking research I'd done for Carine that morning with the anticipation of something interesting to follow. Unfortunately, I was met with more research propositions. I took one back to my desk, but found it difficult to get started. The brand I was doing the research for didn't inspire me. Nor did the idea of staring at a screen - mouse in hand - finger poised at the next hyperlink - for several hours - do much to stimulate within.

When Red arrived, he took another research project from Carine.

Motivation at a particularly low level, I spent half of the afternoon in dead time, being distracted by anything online that could save me from boredom.

When I returned to Carine's desk I was in the middle of explaining that the research today was doing my head in, when I noticed something on her desk.

"What's this?"

It was a 19 year old guy's page of "what's cool". I asked if I could make a copy of it, then went back to my desk and wrote down my own version. It turns out that it was a project for Debby, on trying to plan for the future by getting a handle on what is "cool" now. When Debby came over, I had a really stimulating conversation with her and Carine about what cool is and how to approach it from a corporate perspective. It's less about what is cool, but why it's cool. I wrote her an email following the convo outlining my philosophies and ideas around the subject. The following day I received a wonderful email back, Debby had appreciated my ideas and gave me some additional context to what she was working on.


I ended the day by being in an impromptu photo for Tui - 3 of us had to pretend to be getting out of a limo holding a crate bottle each.

"Fucking yeah!" I yelled, fist clenched by my thigh, my voice resonating throughout the building.

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