Monday, March 3, 2008

Week 3: Performance

Monday was the longest day ever. I arrived approx 8:30am for the Telecom team WIP, then attended the whole office WIP (it is actually starting to become the highlight of my week). I spent the rest of the day working on Sarah's presentation. Then, I did some work for David's proposal. I left just a bit after 8pm, feeling a sense of achievement, and that the work I was doing was valuable to others. Sure, I was a bit tired, and I'm not planning to make it a regular occurrence, but at the time - it felt good.

Tuesday was more relaxed, having completed the urgent work and I could bring the digital information back off the back burner.

Wednesday was fun, I had my first day back at Uni in the morning. Lunchtime, I gapped it into town as I'd arranged to meet with James at 12:30pm to go vox popping. We arrived at the quad of Auckland University around orientation week. Our task was to ask 18-24 year old males about their Internet habits for a proposal that Daniel is working on. It was surprisingly easy to talk to people and everyone was responsive. The idea was that we wanted people who spend their time online organising parties and socialising. We met some cool guys in shadows bar who post videos of themselves "shuffling" on YouTube, then use it to meet other "shufflers" in the clubs and have "shuffle-offs". That was quite entertaining , if you haven't seen anyone shuffle before, check it on YouTube, especially the Melbourne shuffle, which is where it originates. I went home and bragged to anyone that would listen that I'd just spent the day at work, in a bar, talking to people (the only way that could get any better would be if they were all beautiful women). Later that week, I heard some good feedback that the client really enjoyed the videos, that was the ultimate seal of approval for me.

Thursday I spent doing some research for Carine on Social Networking Sites in NZ, looking for statistics on which is the most popular etc. I also worked on the digital information review, which is close to completion now.

Friday was spent on the vox pops tip again, this time I worked with my friend Kora and we were asking people about how they used to enjoy their biscuits at school lunchtimes. We went out to St Lukes Foodtown, but were promptly asked to leave by the security guard. We spent some time at the Ponsonby foodcourt, Britomart, Queen St, High St and we filmed a lot of good content. There was one man, married for 46 years, who ate SuperWines with cheese in the middle in his left hand. When we asked why he ate it with his left hand, he replied "So I can push my wife away with my right".

I had finished on a good note, achieving lots and enjoying myself too. I couldn't ask for much more.

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