Monday, March 3, 2008

Week 2: Continued

The rest of week 2 redefined what I consider to be "settling in". Red & I went to a TVC shoot to get an idea of how Ads are made.

Our relationship went a little dark for a bit, as best friends outside of work, it was beginning to get difficult seeing each other almost constantly. It was also difficult because our relationship was built from friendship during the school years, not necessarily anything from the corporate world. As we've been through a lot together, there was always the potential to bring up the personal life at work, so that was an interesting dynamic. There was a feeling of competition between us as well, that had never been present before. It got a bit intense for a while there.

Power horses arrived in a mini-fridge mid-week and gave me a massive caffeine blast. One night, having had several coffees and a late evening power horse, I became disillusioned with advertising and the corporate world and set off on a frantic mission to find spray cans with which I could express my frustration (ideas) in a rage of colour on to 3x A2 posters.

We did some more work on the Digital Information review and it was interesting meeting new people and beginning to understand their perspectives on the digital world. We spent the rest of the week working for Sarah on her presentation, doing research and arranging PowerPoint slides. I did a little bit of work for Vanessa, doing similar things.

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